I must learn, I must work.
--E. Duse

The definition of acting according to this work is the ability to live truthfully from moment to moment through the reality of what you are doing. That is to say, what you do is real only the circumstances under which you do it are imaginary.
The classes are capped at six to eight students. It is designed so that each student work every class. Each class is run like a professional rehearsal. The goal is that each student leave ready to work on a professional level and fully confident in their skills to solve any acting problem they are faced with in the course of their career.
The Meisner technique is a series of basic exercises that train you to be in the moment and to behave truthfully from your own self. In addition to the basics the interpretive process teaches you the how to work on a role. No matter if it be television, film or stage the process is the same, only the projection of the performance is different.
Our studio is a gentle affirming approach to the Meisner Technique. We ensure that a safe creative environment is maintained at all times.
We are interested in getting to the kind of actor you are. We discover together, through this process your strengths in the market, and how to utilize that knowledge within the profession.
Mastering these skills in this accelerated approach gives us confidence and allows you to work on a professional level.
Enrollment is ongoing and students commit to twelve weeks at a time with the ability to leave and come back if need. be.